Combining Finances in a Second Marriage?
Often, couples are not aware of what legally happens to finances when one marries. This is important information to be aware of especially in California, a community property state. Additionally, there is important information to be aware of when one enters a second...
A Popular Question – When Should One Review a Will?
It is common, as noted in the piece, that a review of one's Will every three to five years is a good rule of thumb if there are no milestones (marriage, birth of child) that occur in that time. However, we encourage that one review a Will (which should be one part of...
Should Parents Spend the Same Amount of Money on Each Child?
This question is a good one for every parent to consider. The answer may be easier to reach when there are factors such as illness or other challenges that make the analysis less debatable. However, when that is not the case, the answers may be less clear cut...
Whether to Discuss Inheritances with Adult Children
The linked article touches on whether one should discuss plans specifically with adult children. This will vary for a number of reasons including what is the nature of the relationship and privacy concerns. However, it is usually helpful to inform adult children...
When One Spouse Handles Money
This piece is helpful because although it is natural for one spouse to be the usual go-to for a variety of household tasks, in the area of finances, it is extremely important that the lesser involved spouse has a general understanding of where accounts are kept, the...
Considering Approach to Financially Supporting with Adult Children
When adult children return to the family home or need financial assistance, it's important to consider that in one's planning and budget. The linked article provides some food for thought about establishing some boundaries and approaches for parents....
How to Have the Inheritance Talk w/Older Parents
An article in the Wall Street Journal last fall shed light on the writer's approach to having a conversation with parents about estate planning. Here is the article:...